Friday, August 3, 2007

Saying Goodbye to the Yellow Canoe

I have been at the Yellow Canoe Cafe for close to nine years. Wow! I managed there for six years and had owned it for the last three and a half. I have many fond memories of the staff and patrons and former owner Sam Jakes' Inn. I have learned much about business, relationships and a whole lot about cooking. I learned a lot about my self, about what I could do if I set my mind to it. I learned to hire, fire, and! Tuesday July 31, 2007 saw my farewell party to The Canoe and the inroduction of new owner (Fantastic!) Susan Moizer, Merrickville veteran. Below are some shots of some of attendees, but certainly not all of The Beloved. Please enjoy!

The only person to inhabit Merrick's Landing Mews
longer than anyone is Pat Brown. She is shown
below with her daughter & new owner, both doing
what they truly love...*hic*! (OK, I'm just
kidding...not really!)

Perhaps the best thing about owning your own business is selecting the people you want to have around you. The surrounding pictures are of staff and patrons who have been cheerful, electrifying, helpful to the nth degree and very hungry!

Below are the Laberge and Atkinson families, between the two have produced at least three great employees...who knows what more offspring could turn up down the road!

Speaking of prolific!!! To the left are three members of the Boesveld Clan and home of the almost-world-famous...Bernie's Burger Balls! But that is a story for another time...

Above, some of the good (I mean GREAT!) folks at the Blockhouse Museum.

To the left, Pat Stroulger with Phyllis Walker. Phyllis in particular was very supportive, hoping I could make the Yellow Canoe a success in tandem with raising my two little girls.

Here's the proud new Proprietress, boog-a-looing to the popular 1981 hit "I Want Money"
So it has been fun, challenging, rewarding, all that clichee stuff. I loved working with my daughter. I loved having my husband/bookkeeper around, (who tends to much more than just books!) encourging me and fixing everything that broke. Between my mom and sisters, I'd say we did our share to support Merrickville economy. I enjoyed most of my customers and all of my regular patrons.
It's been a slice!


Unknown said...

Hey Michelle,

You know how much I wish I could have been partying with you on your last day. Working at the Yellow Canoe has been the best job I've ever had. It was the only summer job I remember lovingly and it's the only summer job at which I've made friends I've still got and expect to hold on to forever! (Keep in touch while you're on that boat, lady!)
The cafe, while entering a new exciting era, will never be the same and will be bereft of that vibrant talented spark that is Michelle. Love you, and can't wait to catch up in BR for drinks!!
xox Sarah

Danielle Pelletier said...

look how cute we all are...and how drunk:D

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